When searching for a massage, it's important to consider the price and what you're getting for your money. In Austin, Tx, prices can vary greatly among massage establishments, but not all prices reflect the same level of value. Here are some key factors to consider when looking for the best value:
Time: It's common for massage establishments to offer varying time denominations, from 30 minutes to 2 hours. However, not all places offer the full hour of hands-on massage, even if they advertise it as such. This can result in lost time and money, with 10 minutes of lost time costing around $20 for the average 1-hour massage in Austin.
Specialized Modalities: When shopping around, advertised prices may only be for certain modalities, such as Swedish massage, while other modalities like Deep Tissue, Sports, or Prenatal can cost significantly more per hour. At Dimensions, we charge a flat rate for any modality and only charge for our time, so there's no need to worry about being upsold during your massage.
Location and Amenities: The cost of a massage can also be influenced by the quality of the location and amenities offered. Luxury spas may have amenities like steam rooms, saunas, pools, and hot tubs, but these extras can make massages more expensive. If you're looking solely for quality massage therapy, a no-frills spot may be a better fit for your budget.
By considering these factors, you can make an informed decision about the cost of a massage and find the best value for your money.
Average Cost Per Hour (50min or 60min) in Austin,Tx $122
Cost Per Hour (FULL 60 MINUTE) @ Dimensions Massage Therapy $100